Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In London

Hello, I have been in London now for three weeks! This week has been the first week of classes which was pretty cool but also stressful because it was hard to figure out their registration system and I'm still not sure that I did everything right haha...but I guess I'll find out soon! I live in a UCL dorm just off-campus in Bloomsbury, London, and we live in a little Indian section of Bloomsbury that has lots and lots of yummy curry (which I have been eating a lot) everywhere and sweet shops where I can get samosas and pakoras and other good snacks. In my dorm you have to cook for yourself so that's also been something new but it's been really fun! Chris and I cook together a lot and so far everything we've made has been really yummy, also our kitchen has a panini maker which I am very happy about.

So far I've visited the Tower of London and the Tate Modern, and also the British Museum! My friends and I haven't done so much sight seeing because we've mostly been figuring out how things work in our section of London and enrolling in the University and registering for classes. Right now I'm taking Technology and Global Citizenship, Marxism, Principles of Sociology, and Politics of the European Union.

Here are some pictures of places we've been! Here is the main UCL Building:

and here is the Tower of London:

This is the Tower Bridge:

and here's a really pretty view from the Tate Modern Cafe:

This is the British Museum:

Stir Fry!
